Home / Medieval II Total War / England / Traits / Assassin's traits |
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No. | Type | Title | Threshold | Description | Effects | Hidden | Epithet | Condition |
1 | AgentPiety | AgentPiety | 1 | DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden trait for agents | +10 Piety | Hidden | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin Affects : AgentPiety 1 Chance : 100 % |
| 2 | AssassinsGuildMember | Assassins' Guild Apprentice | 1 | The presence of a Master Assassin's Guild within the kingdom has made this man a more effective operative. | +1 to agent's skill | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin FactionBuildingExists >= m_assassins_guild Affects : AssassinsGuildMember 1 Chance : 100 % | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin FactionBuildingExists = gm_assassins_guild Affects : AssassinsGuildMember 1 Chance : 100 % |
| Assassins' Guild Journeyman | 2 | The presence of Assassin's Guild HQ within the kingdom has afforded this man significantly enhanced training. | +2 to agent's skill | 3 | AssassinsGuildTrained | Trained Killer | 1 | The influence of one of the more dubious guild houses have made this man a more precise instrument of death. | +1 to agent's skill | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin SettlementBuildingExists >= assassins_guild Affects : AssassinsGuildTrained 1 Chance : 100 % | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin FactionBuildingExists >= eastern_assassins_guild Affects : AssassinsGuildTrained 1 Chance : 100 % |
| 4 | HashashinsGuildMember | Hashashins' Guild Apprentice | 1 | The presence of a Master Hashashins' Guild within the kingdom has made this man a more effective operative. | +1 to agent's skill | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin FactionBuildingExists >= m_eastern_assassins_guild Affects : HashashinsGuildMember 1 Chance : 100 % | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin FactionBuildingExists = gm_eastern_assassins_guild Affects : HashashinsGuildMember 1 Chance : 100 % |
| Hashashins' Guild Journeyman | 2 | The presence of Hashashins' Guild HQ within the kingdom has afforded this man significantly enhanced training. | +2 to agent's skill | 5 | NaturalAssassinSkill | Cold Killer | 1 | This man can kill pragmatically, a quality that makes him well suited to his profession. | +1 to agent's skill | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin Affects : NaturalAssassinSkill 1 Chance : 100 % | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin Trait NaturalAssassinSkill = 1 Affects : NaturalAssassinSkill 1 Chance : 33 % | When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin Trait NaturalAssassinSkill >= 2 Affects : NaturalAssassinSkill 1 Chance : 33 % |
| Talent for Murder | 2 | Has a sick talent for spotting the moment of opportunity arrive to end a life without drawing notice. | +2 to agent's skill | Born to Kill | 3 | Can find a way to kill anyone, almost like an art form, but more truly an instinct. | +3 to agent's skill |
Royal Military Academy - Sitemaps |
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Nice overview and list of traits The processcq 'settlement' cheat also works if you change name on your settlements. You can give traits and ancillaries to 1 named characters but not to characthers with more then 1 name(it have happened that it have worked on some characters with 2 names, last time i got it to work on a character with 2 names was on a french general). Jan 12, 2007 5% chance after spending a full turn in a settlement and 3 turns in region and =2 points of Trait: GoodCommander.;-;No trigger exists BODYGUARD Move between characters: YES +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts), -1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order).