- Breeding Master Powerful Dog Breeding Software For Machine Learning
- Breeding Master Powerful Dog Breeding Software For Mac Download
From BreedingMaster: Breeding Master is a simple, cute, and powerful breeding software. Allows to keep dogs, people, kennels, awards, crosses, measurements, relations. Breeding Master helps.
- Breeding Master is a powerful breeding software. Price of Breeding Master is only $99.99. Compare it with number of $100+ products from our competitors.
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The most complete program for breeding and pedigree. Complete control of breeding, litters and puppies. Auto Pedigree Generator with photographs, genetic, info and line breeding. Calculates the inbreeding coefficient.
For dogs, cats and any other species.
Take care only what is truly important: your business. Try it for free!
Available languages:
English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan
Available languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan
Try for free Buy Now!
Pedigree with infinite generations
Pedigree with infinite generations
The only app to manage the genetic line or pedigree: Name, photo, prizes and information of interest of individual animals to INFINITE GENERATIONS and calculation of the percentage of inbreeding coefficient.
Planned litters and booking of puppies
Planned litters and booking of puppies
Plan the next litters, record booking of future puppies with or without money deposit. When the litter is born, assigns the puppies to the customers who reserved them.
Inbreeding coefficient calculator
Inbreeding coefficient calculator
Automatic calculation of the percentage of inbreeding coefficient in the pedigree of an animal or litter (using the Hardiman).
Before planning a litter, you can check which would be the genetic line and the percentage of inbreeding coefficient resulting from the matting of these 2 animals.
Send the pedigree by email
Send the pedigree by email
The pedigree is generated with the information and photos of the animals so that you can print it and send it by email directly from the software.
Female heat, matings and births
Female heat, matings and births
Automatic calculus of the next female heats. Management of female heats and matings with many information. Automatic calculation of birth date and automatic warnings in home page of female heats and births coming soon.
Monitoring and evolution of puppies
Monitoring and evolution of puppies
You can see the evolution of weight and size of the pups displayed in a graph in real time. Control of each puppy with all the veterinary information, photos and data registration and pedigree is automatically generated.
Auto-complete pedigree
Auto-complete pedigree
animal in another pedigree and now you select it in a new pedigree, all its information and that of its ancestors (parents, grandparents, ..) will be filled in automatically.
Management litters of puppies. Profitability per litter: controlling expenses and income. Billing with or without tax and advanced reporting of acounting, profitability litters and breeders and more.
Use it on all your devices
Use it on all your devices
The only app you can use on all your devices and anywhere: your kennel, your home or wherever you need.
You can take your business with you.
The most complete software
The most complete software
It includes everything you need and the most useful and innovative features. Forget the old software and go to Gespet, a latest generation software for all your devices!
The app that best adapts to your business
Specific applications for each business area. If you need multiple, combine them and operate as modules or blocks. You will have a single one application with all the features you need.
Try free demo
Daily Diary - Main Page
Pedigree - Inbreeding coefficient calculator
Planned litters
Breeding dogs
Currently female heats
List of females that are currently in heat.
Coming female heats
For females, automatic warning of upcoming heats.
Comming births
Automatic warning when the birth of a litter is approaching.
Social Media
Quickly Access to WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Events, tasks and alerts
scheduled for your day. Use the calendar to navigate between days.
Search for customers and animals, to quickly find them.
Booking and planned litters
Plan coming births and get bookings for the puppies.
Planned litters
Add your planned litters (the puppies are not yet born).
Add reservations or bookings for that litter with or without deposits (advance payment).
Documents and contracts
Configure your contracts/legal terms/... to print it when making a reservation.
Assign the puppy
When the puppies are born, associate them with the reserves according to the customer's preference.
Litters and puppies
The control and care of puppies is important. We help you with the management.
Breeding Master Powerful Dog Breeding Software For Machine Learning
Calculation of % of consanguinity between two animals.
All the information
Complete information about the litter on a single screen.
Birth details
Details, date, duration, complications, number of births, etc.
Pedigree of infinite generations
and for puppies it's automatically generated.
Puppy evolution
write down the weights and sizes and you can see the evolution in an interactive chart.
Breeding Master Powerful Dog Breeding Software For Mac Download
Puppies Health Book: write down treatments, medications, vaccines, etc.
Puppy expenses book: record veterinary expenses, food, etc.
Store documents
You can save documents from that litter: contracts, sales, etc.
Female heat
Begin and end of each heat period and notes.
Comming heats
Automatic warning of the next planned heat for that female.
Write down the matings with the male & female info, result of the mating, notes, etc.
Animal data
Full record: Interesting information, photo, veterinary info, documents and more.
The litters
In the dog record, you can see all its litters and the details (born puppies, date, etc.)
Owner information
You can see the details of the owner, contact him/her directly, store their documents, etc.
Pedigree of infinite generations
which is auto-filled. You can print it and send it by email from the software.
Animal health book: write down treatments, medications, vaccines, etc.
Expenses book
Record veterinary expenses, food expenses, ... for that animal.
Store documents
Save documents from that animal: contracts, sales, etc.
All the information of your customers, direct contact with them, charts and more.
Direct Contact
Make phone calls, chat with whatsapp or send an email to your customers, without leaving your app.
Total billling, last visit, services, average price per service, etc.
Customer data
Contact information, photo, pickup/delivery info, important information, and more.
Documents and warnings
Store documents/contratcs and generate alerts for any customer.
Unpaid invoices
Alert if the customer has unpaid bills, money details and direct access to the unpaid invoices.
Creation date, details, terms & conditions acceptance and printable GPRD documents.
On your language
Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan.
Countries, currencies
Select your country and time zone. Configure your currency and taxes.
Logo and data
Configure your logos, business data, information that appears on the invoices, emails, and more.
Complete reports with interactive charts for a nice visualization of the data and the evolution of your business.
Report with all detailed incomes or sales.
Financial Balance
Detail of expenses, incomes and profit calculation.
Most profitable customers
Customers that generate more profits and their last service or sale.
Unpaid invoices
Detail of the invoices that are still pending of payment.
Breeding dogs
List of breeding animals with their main information.
Booking of puppies
List with the booings of puppies born and planned.
Litter health
Report with all treatments administered to each litter.
Litter expenses
Report with all expenses for each litter.
Litters and planned litters
2 reports with the details of the litters and those not yet born (planned)
Litter Profitability
Report with the benefit obtained with each litter (incomes, expenses and benefit calculation).
Litter billing
List with the sales that have been made of each litter and the money earned.
Animal health
Report with all treatments administered to each animal.
Animal expenses
Report with all the expenses produced by each animal.
Animal Profitability
Report with the benefit obtained with each animal (incomes, expenses and benefit calculation).
Animal billling
List with the sales that have been made of each animal and the money earned.
Personal Diary
Agenda to annotate events, alerts and tasks.
Control of expenses/purchases and sales, breakdown of invoices, etc..
Register disinfections, repairs or any other task done in your facilities.
Management of your employees (personal data, work info, CV or Resumé, ...) and direct contact with them.
Management of your employees (contact data, notes, bank details, ...) and direct contact with them.
Move to us
Tired of your current software or database system?. Upload your information for free.
Support, help and training
Help manuals, tutorials, courses and an support area to answer your questions, doubts and problems.
Upload your clients in MailChimp for email campaigns.
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Advanced genomic data analysis software that helps you visualize your data and discover more
JMP Genomics provides a unique integrated analysis solution for biological experiments. Whether you need to detect differential expression patterns, find signals in next-generation sequencing data, discover reliable biomarker profiles, perform single-cell sequencing analysis or increase genetic diversity for plant traits in silico, JMP Genomics takes you from data to understanding faster.
Crop scientists
Using cutting-edge algorithms based on the lastest agronomic research, high-paced breeding cycles executed in JMP Genomics allow plant breeders and crop scientists to drive the selection of healthier crops by modeling genetic variability, optimizing breeding choices, simulating multiple-trait breeding programs and balancing trade-offs across key desirable traits.
Translational scientists
Cellular composition analysis using bulk genomics data enables translational scientists to visually explore complex and rare cell populations, detect differential gene expression patterns across cell types through clustering analysis, profile transcriptional changes in immune cells to help develop vaccines or treatment, and uncover the evolutionary dynamics of tumor progression, metastasis and treatment resistance.
Biomarker scientists
Biomarker scientists gather more data on drug response and disease biology than ever before. But extracting statistically valid insights from all that data has never been more challenging. JMP Genomics helps you design and analyze complex experiments, apply cutting-edge predictive modeling and machine learning algorithms to large genomic datasets and associate biological signals with clinical outcomes.
Quantitative geneticists
With the increasing accessibility of sequenced genomes, quantitative geneticists are now flooded with rich data to investigate the genetic basis of disease. JMP Genomics lets you analyze genome-wide association studies (GWAS), explore genetic variability and structure with advanced statistical association models and build complex genetic risk models to understand the biological underpinnings of disease and health outcomes.