1. Doctor Allan Spreen
  2. Dr Allan Spreen Scam

When I asked HSI Panelist Allan Spreen, M.D., about microwave cooking, and the Soviet research in particular, he told me that an issue of “Health & Healing Wisdom” reported that Soviet research on the neurological effects of microwaved foods prompted a ban on all microwave apparatus in 1976. Allan Spreen: Following graduation from medical school at East Tennessee State University and internships in family practice and pathology. Spreen was in private practice for 10 years, concentrating on nutritional therapies for patients who preferred alternative options to traditional allopathic techniques.

I consider these publications untrustworthy because they promote misinformation, espouse unscientific theories, contain unsubstantiated advice, are insufficiently skeptical, and/or fail to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of advice. Some are no longer published. The magazines and journals marked with an asterisk (*) have carried ads for questionable potions, services, books, and/or publications. Few newsletters carry ads for products. Those marked with a double asterisk (**) have been accompanied by questionable solicitations.

Magazines, Fundamentally Flawed
  • Advances
  • Alive*
  • All Natural Muscular Development*
  • Alternative Medicine Digest*
  • Autism File
  • Better Nutrition*
  • Blaylock Wellness Report
  • Body and Soul* (formerly New Age Journal)
  • Body, Mind & Spirit* (ceased publication in 1998)
  • BottomLine Natural Healing with Dr. Mark Stengler
  • Bridges (published by ISSSEEM)
  • Choices
  • Counselor*
  • Delicious!*
  • Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living*
  • Energy Times*
  • Explore More!
  • Fibromyalgia Aware*
  • Flex*
  • Food & Water Journal
  • Forefront
  • Good Medicine
  • Great Life*
  • Health & Healing (Journal of Complementary Medicine)
  • Health and Healing Wisdom Journal
  • Health & Nutrition Breakthroughs*
  • Health Confidential for Men
  • Health Consciousness*
  • Health Counselor*
  • Health Products Business (trade publication, formerly called Health Foods Business)*
  • Health Freedom News*
  • Health Naturally* (ceased publication in 1999)
  • Health Science
  • Health World*
  • Healthier Times
  • HealthKeepers*
  • Healthy & Natural*
  • Herbs for Health*
  • Holistic Health Journal
  • Holistic Medicine*
  • Holistic Times
  • The Human Ecologist*
  • Innovation*
  • Journal of BioAcoustic Biology (JBAB)
  • Journal of Longevity
  • Journal of Longevity Research*
  • Let’s Live*
  • Life Enhancement*
  • Life Extension*
  • Lifestyle and Wellness*
  • Living Nutrition
  • Living Wisdom
  • Longevity (discontinued in 1996)*
  • Massage & Bodywork*
  • Mothering
  • Muscle & Fitness*
  • Natural Awakenings*
  • Natural Cures Newsletter (Kevin Trudeau)**
  • Natural Foods Merchandiser (trade publication)*
  • Natural Health*
  • Natural Health Response
  • Natural Pharmacy (trade publication)*
  • Natural Remedies* (discontinued 6/98)
  • The Natural Way
  • Nature’s Impact*
  • New Body*
  • Noetic Sciences Review
  • Nutrition & Fitness
  • Nutrition Bites
  • Nutrition Science News
  • Nutritional Perspectives
  • Pink & Green*
  • Positive Health
  • Prevention*
  • Prime Health & Fitness
  • Psychology Today*
  • Real Health (William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.)
  • Search for Health
  • Self
  • Senior Health*
  • Spectrum
  • To Your Health
  • Total Health*
  • Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients*
  • Vegetarian Times*
  • Veggie Life*
  • VitaJournal*
  • Vital Living (online)
  • Vitamin Retailer (trade publication)*
  • Well Being Journal
  • Whole Foods (trade publication)*
  • Your Health*
Magazines and Newsletters That Are Excellent Except for Too Many Poorly Reasoned Articles on “Complementary”
and/or “Alternative” Medicine
  • AARP, The Magazine*
  • Arthritis Today*
  • Consumer Reports on Health
  • Newsweek (particularly its scaremongering criticizing fluoridation)
Journals (Fundamentally Flawed)
  • Advances: The Journal of Mind-Body Health
  • Alternative & Complementary Therapies*
  • Alternative Medicine Review
  • Alternative Therapies in Clinical Practice
  • American Journal of Natural Medicine*
  • Biomedical Therapy (formerly Biological Therapy)
  • Chiropractic Research Journal
  • Clinical Practice of Alternative Medicine (formerly Journal
    of Advancement in Medicine)
  • Ethical Human Sciences and Services
  • Fluoride: Journal of the International Society for Fluoride
  • Integrative Medicine
  • International Journal of Auricular Medicine (IJAM)
  • International Journal of Biosocial Research
  • Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
  • Journal of the American Neutraceutical Association
  • Journal of Applied Nutrition*
  • Journal of Energetic Medicine
  • Journal of Holistic Nursing
  • Journal of Medical Sciences Research (JMSR)
  • Journal of Naturopathic Medicine*
  • Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
  • Journal of Optimal Nutrition
  • Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
  • Journal of Subluxation Research
  • Massage
    Therapy Journal*
  • Medical Veritas
  • Nutritional Perspectives
  • Pacific Journal of Energy Medicine
  • Seminars in Integrative Medicine
  • Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine
ViewsDoctor allan spreenJournals, Excellent Except for Too Many Poorly Reasoned Articles

on “Complementary”
and/or “Alternative” Medicine

  • Annals of Internal Medicine
  • British Medical Journal
  • Patient Care
Printed Newsletters
  • After Everything Else FAILS Health Report
  • Allergy Hotline
  • Alternative & Natural Medicine Newsletter (discontinued
    in 1999)
  • Alternative Health Issues
  • Alternative Medicine Advisor
  • Alternatives (David Williams, D.C.)**
  • Antha
  • Beyond Health News
  • Bio-Probe Newsletter
  • Blaylock Wellness Report
  • Bob Livingston Newsletter
  • Bottom Line Health
  • Cancer Chronicles
  • Complementary Medicine for the Physician
  • Dr. Atkins’ Health Revelations (Robert C. Atkins, M.D.)**
  • Executive Health’s Good Healh Report
  • FDA Hotline (not an FDA publication; discontinued in 1997)
  • Forefront
  • Fountain
  • The Fungazatte Newsletter
  • Gerson Healing Newsletter
  • Healing Arts Report
  • Health & Healing (Julian Whitaker, M.D.**
  • Health Alert (Bruce West, D.C.)**
  • Health and Happiness
  • Health & Longevity
  • HealthBeat
  • HealthNotes
  • Health Realities
  • Health Resource Newsletter
  • Health Sciences Institute Members Alert**
  • Health Wisdom for Women
  • HealthFacts
  • HealthSense
  • HealthxFiles
  • Healthy Edge Newsletter
  • Healthy Talk
  • Health Victory Bulletin
  • Health Watch
  • Healthwise Digest (Zoltan Rona, M.D.)
  • Infinite Possibilities (Deepak Chopra, M.D.)
  • The International DAMS Newsletter
  • The Lark Letter**
  • Latitudes
  • John R. Lee, M.D., Medical Letter
  • The McDougall Newsletter
  • Medical Update
  • Men’s Health Newsletter
  • McAlvany Health Alert
  • The Mindell Report**
  • Natural Healing & Alternative Medicine
  • Naturally Well
  • Nutrition & Healing
  • Nutrition Bites
  • Nutrition in Complementary Care
  • Nutrition Insights (discontinued in 1998)
  • Nutrition News (Siri Khalsa)
  • The Nutrition Reporter
  • Organic Food Business
  • The Perlmutter Letter
  • Prescriptions for Healthy Living
  • Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Health Journal
  • Pure Facts (Feingold Association of the United States)
  • Second Opinion (William C. Douglass, II, M.D.)
  • Secrets of Robust Health
  • Self Healing (Andrew Weil, M.D.)
  • The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living
  • To Your Health (Alan N. Spreen, M.D.)
  • Total Health in Today’s World
  • The Vaccine Reaction
  • Vita-Health (People’s Medical Society)
  • Vital Communications
  • What Doctors Don’t Tell You**
  • Whole Health
  • Women’s Health Advocate**
Electronic Newsletters
  • Mercola.com newsletter (Joseph Mercola, D.O.)
  • Bolen Report (Tim Bolen)
  • Daily Tip from DrWeil.com
  • Health Impact News
  • NaturalNews.com Email Newsletter
  • Family Health News*
  • Health Matters (HealthNet Newspapers)
  • Health News & Review
  • Health Store News
  • Health Watch (HealthNet Newspapers)
  • Healthy Cell News*
  • Nutrition Health Review
Online Publications
  • Spirit of Health
  • The Toxicity Newsletter

This page was revised on November 15, 2019.

Maybe you feel like your memory is getting worse

Or find that you’re more easily confused than you used to be…

If this is sounds like you, the mainstream has ALREADY failed you.

That’s because most conventionaldocs are getting it all wrong (even if they mean well).

You see, Alzheimer’s drugs simply DO NOT WORK.

Fortunately, my colleague, Dr. Alan Spreen, has uncovered a MAJOR medical breakthrough – one that can help REVERSE memory issues.

This mind-restoring MIRACLE is backed by years of the latest medical science.

And you can protect your brain and memories starting right now… and you could see results in a little over one month.

Alzheimer’s has been widely considered irreversible… and a diagnosis was essentially a death sentence.

Not anymore.

I’m not talking about SLOWING down Alzheimer’s by a few measly months…

Or helping you or someone you care about MANAGE the symptoms a little better.

It’s a brand-new, proven way to REVERSE Alzheimer’s disease… starting in just 37 days.

And you can get every detail you need to do it yourself.

Picture what your life… or the life of a loved one… could be like just 37 days from now.

Imagine thinking and remembering just as clearly as you did 20 or even 30 years ago

You could – because Dr. Spreen is about to reveal the truth about a life changing Alzheimer’s treatment.

It can RESTORE your precious memories by targeting the Top 3 “Brain Killers”!

Fortunately, hisbrand-new medical protocol… backed by DECADES of science… that can STOP all THREE of them… is available RIGHT NOW.

It can help REPAIR your starving and dying brain cellsSTOP one of the leading causes of Alzheimer’s right at the source… and REGROW lost brain tissue!

And it’s a lot easier than you’d EVER think…

But if you don’t watch Dr. Spreen’s online presentation, there’s a very good chance you’ll never be told about it.

Now, you may have heard that he first broadcast this free webinar LIVE yesterday at 1 p.m. EST.

If you didn’t sign up for that live event, you haven’t missed the boat… YET.


Because Dr. Spreen is giving you a SECOND CHANCE… by rebroadcasting the event for a limited time.

And as aLiving Well Daily reader, you can attend for FREE!

Just click here to RESTORE your precious memory… and start REVERSING Alzheimer’s in just 37 days.

P.S. The rebroadcast won’t stay up for long, so watch it here while it’s still available.

Doctor Allan Spreen

Written By Dr. Scott Olson

Dr Allan Spreen Scam

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.