Quick to Learn, Easy to Use and Very Powerful.
Free farm accounting software. We know that when it comes to your farm, everything runs on a tight schedule. You have animals to feed, crops to water, and equipment to maintain, all before the sun goes down. All of those to-dos mean you don’t have time to spend hours of precious daylight on the the phone with your accountant or trying to. Free to download on the APP Store and Play Store. All in one App for all your farm records, tractor management, crop management, grass management, animal database, animal treatment, fertiliser and spray compliance, staff timesheet management! No PC required - its all on your phone! Farm Task Manager-Plan ahead and never miss a farm task again. Manage your herd, drive profit with Livestocked! Livestocked is a better way to manage your livestock business online. With a business first approach to livestock record keeping and farm management we understand you would prefer be in the paddock and not in front of the computer. Sep 04, 2020 Benefits of Dairy Farm Record Keeping Software. Record keeping is an essential element of good livestock business management. If the farmers hold no written records, they have to completely rely on their memory when it comes to taking important decisions for their farm practices. But, memories are unreliable after a certain period. Apr 25, 2019 Farm Accounting Software; Free Farm Record Keeping; Farm Accounting Software. FREE Homesteading, Farm & Animal Recording Keeping Forms. These forms are in editable pdf format and the name of your farm can be entered with free pdf viewing software such as Adobe Reader, FoxIt, or one of the many other pdf viewers available.
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Released in 2002, Easy Dairy has become the herd management program of choice by over 2000 Australian dairy farmers.
Easy Dairy was designed to be easy to use and quick to learn while covering all of your herd management needs. Fast event entry, easy reporting and many advanced features make Easy Dairy an essential tool for your busy farm. Your data is automatically compiled into simple dashboards displaying what you need to know now.
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Links to all Australian Herd Recording Centres for transfer of data over the internet
Collect, analyze, decide. On the Cloud or on your premises.
What is Vaquitec
Dairy Farm Record Keeping software, free download 2012
Vaquitec is a dairy and beef cattle farm management software that will help you optimize the performance of your farm and increase your productivity.
Dairy Cattle Record Keeping
- Decision-making tools with fast, easy data entry, and flexible yet powerful reporting.
- Breeding, semen, males, individual records, growing, feed management, financial, medical, ..
- Available for Web, Desktop, and Mobile platforms. All working in sync.
- Store your databases on your premises or in the Cloud.
WHY VAQUITECchevron_right
Leading Cow Companies Transform Business with Vaquitec
Farm Record Keeping
One of the largest Holstein associations in Spain is improving service to their associates by consolidating their data and creating new reports with Vaquitec.

Easy and fast data collection
Dramatically increase efficiency using a mobile device at the barn level. Collect data, interpret it, and make actionable decisions on the spot.
- Bar codes, QR codes, Electronic Identification, scales.
- Work offline. Internet or Wifi are only required for syncing.
- Customize the event forms, add new fields, and even create your own custom events.
- Onsite data validation using custom rules.

Analyze your data like never before
- Run a powerful desktop app from the Cloud, or if you prefer, install it on your premises. Farms can be autonomous.
- Run over 130 standard reports to monitor herd performance and productivity.
- Create sophisticated new reports with the report designer included with Vaquitec.
- Add new formulas, change font sizes, add columns, and insert bar or QR codes. Create your own customized set of reports.
- Includes data mining and Business Intelligence (BI) tools.
Dairy Farm Management Software
Track all your farms in one place
Explore and understand the data generated by all your farms in one place. Detect trends and make informed decisions quickly.
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- Multifarm: Compare and consolidate farms. Analyze by region, health level, origin and production type.
- Access any farm from a Web browser, even databases on your own premises.
- Custom Dashboards, benchmarking, farm reporting.
- Direct access for your advisors and vets, each with their own access rights.
- Automatic emailing of reports.

About This File
This is a program that can generate TID-SID pairs, find PID, that's tied to IV, Gender, Nature.
Also provides the frame for emulator use, for tool-assisted RNG.
Finished Features
16-Bit Seed to Time
Colosseum Time Finder
Channel Time Finder
Box Time Finder
Wshmkr Time Finder
PID to IVs
Pokespot RNG
Gales of Darkness Time Finder
IVs to Frame
Credits (as per github)
Original RNGReporter dev team for creating RNGReporter.
Credits to amab for all the Channel Jirachi logic and Pokespot RNG.
Credits to Zari for the 16-bit seed to time logic, GameCube RNG searching logic, Pokespot RNG, and generally other advice.
Credits to Kaphotics for PID to IVs (aka Find Frame) logic and Pokespot RNG.
Credits to CollectorTogami for TogamiCalc.
Credits to Signum21 for IVs to Frame
What's New in Version 10.3.4See changelog
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- Fix output of 16-Bit Seed to Time
- Fix super rod fishing slots for gen 3
- Fix GameCubeRNG shadow edge case